Sunday, February 26, 2012

2-26-12 update

Just a quick update, been off caffeine for a week. At my last weigh in I was at 253.4 lbs. Church had a pot luck after service today but I did good in keeping moderation. This week I will be gone with my wife at Ministers and Mates retreat so I will update next week about where I am at weight wise and my new fitness schedule.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hello Out There,

    I know that some people may not care about this at all, but I am starting this blog as a way of helping myself to stay on track in my weight loss goal. Since my wife Christyn and I have moved down to Arkansas I have started the process of losing some of the weight that I put on during my time in college. Now I have no grand notions of losing 70 pounds to be down to what society defines as my ideal weight. However my simple goal is to get down to a reasonable weight and possibly put on some pounds of muscle. When we moved to Arkansas my weight was 265, at the current writing of this blog I am down to 255. I would like to see myself get down to the 220 range with a possibility of bulking up in muscle to a total of 235-240 range. My goal for this is not only to lose weight but to get myself into a proper active lifestyle so that when the time comes for my wife and I to have kids that I can play with them and be around for them in whatever the case may be. If anyone decides to follow this blog my hope is that you will help me by encouraging me in my progress and to help keep me on track, or offer any helpful tips on some of the best weight loss things you have heard about.

Currently I have given up soda, and do not drink very much sugar in my drinks. Mostly I drink water but occasional unsweetened tea. I also have been watching what I eat and eating smaller portions. As far as exercise currently I am not doing to much but I am trying to get to the gym at least two times a week.

Again if you are deciding to follow me in this blog I thank you and I look forward to the progress that I will be making.

Dallas Tharp